Any Event and Tour Organiser can be subject to the Package Holidays and Travel Trade Act 1995, as updated. This law implements the E.U. Directive on Package Travel No: 90/314 A (Article 5).
This law affects you in the event that you organise Package Travel Arrangements, with the pre-arranged combination of not less than two of the following:
- Transport
- Accommodation
- Other tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation accounting for a significant proportion of the package
If the injured customer is able to prove negligence on your part as the Organiser, then that injured customer will succeed under Irish Law in an action against the Organiser…even in respect of Injuries arising from Coach or Watercraft Liability……
So for example if you organise a tour for clients including an overnight stay, or something as simple as a fishing trip, you could find yourself without adequate insurance coverage, should something go wrong, and there is little chance your exposure under the Package Holidays and Travel Trade Act 1995, will be indemnified under the Third Party Providers own insurance.
The Worldwide Insurance Brokers and Advisors Limited Exclusive Legal Liability Scheme gives the Widest Market Cover, including injuries to your clients arising from Coach and Watercraft Liability, as per your strict liability under this onerous Consumer Rights and Package Holidays legislation.
Our cover also extends to include Professional Indemnity, and liability for Errors and Omissions in Bookings.
As a leading provider of insurance products for the Event and Tour Organisers' Sector we are uniquely placed to assist you in addressing your needs in this sector.
Contact us today, if you need more information on this or any of our Tourism and Travel Trade focused insurance products.
Marguerite Healy - Email: mh@worldwide.ie Mobile: 087 6797949
Harry Thompson - Email: ht@worldwide.ie -